There's something in my psychological make-up that means I'm unable to resist eating, literally, all I possibly can! Las Vegas was a real treat, because I was able to stuff myself on shrimp and other yummy food for $10. That was good enough, but Argentina is better: their tenedores libres are a third of the price.
Katherine and Andy are both useless at eating, and so never really get good value from these things. I, on the other hand, get good value in the sense that I eat a lot, but terrible value because I spend the next two hours feeling terribly bloated. As Andy can attest, I spent most of the time in Las Vegas stumbling around groaning, or just lying down. And so, as is my want, I over-stuffed myself in Puerto Madryn and sat through Runaway Jury wishing I was dead. Oh well.
There's another tenedor libre here in Mendoza, so it looks like I'm about to make the same mistake again :(.
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