Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Things We Won't Miss About Venezuela

  • Inadequate plumbing - having to put used toilet paper in a bin next to the toilet is horrendous
  • Lumpy pillows
  • Inept street vendors - why must we haggle over prices for everything?
  • Shady street money-changers - we don't have any dollars, and we wouldn't change them with you even if we did!
  • President Chávez's addresses to the nation - simultaneously broadcast on all TV channels: all well and good, but not when we miss the first innings of the fourth World Series game because of it...
  • Ferry 'schedules' - yeah, right
  • McDonald's (just for Tom, this one!) - why is it so expensive (more so than USA) here?
  • People trying to short-change us - just because we're tourists, doesn't mean we can't add up
  • Ubiquitous Bólivar - I'm sure he was a nice chap, but it all happened a long time ago! Get over it (Venezuelans would kill me for writing this)
  • Cold showers (I don't mind, but Katherine has an aversion to the things) - strange but true: only the better hotels bother with hot water
  • The sun (Katherine tends to melt when exposed to high temperatures)


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