Saturday, June 28, 2003

E-mail is my life

Of course, we'll both be contactable via e-mail while we're away - your best bet is to use the addresses that I've helpfully added to the menu bar over to the right.

Monday, June 23, 2003


OK, we've just finished ordering our anti-malarial stuff from - enough for 23 weeks times two, which comes to a tidy sum - and have almost got accommodation for Iceland sorted. (I say 'we', but to be honest Katherine did most of it :-).

Otherwise, today was absolutely exhausting. We bought insurance and coach passes from STA, and picked up the remaining plane tickets. Of course, several different things went wrong - don't get me started on the inadequacies of the Co-op Bank, suffice to say I fully intend to close my account with them whenever I have a spare minute (that is, not for many months ;-).

Katherine discovered that the Nationwide building society offers 0% fees on foreign currency ATM transactions (compared to Co-op's 4.5%), and so I've signed up for an account with them. The card should arrive in a couple of days, so that'll be handy to have.

Also notice the groovy 'itinerary' links to the right, which you can click on to get a very rough idea of our travel plans. I'm especially proud of the maps, but then I would be, wouldn't I? :-)

Oh yes

First post!